Now, I'm not a horse that is all that fond of change. Change is scary and generally snort worthy. I like things to be where they're supposed to be and to stay where they're supposed to stay. I was skeptical when Mom brought this big, black, new smelling blanket like thing into my stall. I snorted at it to see if it would go away, but instead it ended up on my back. I was not sure it should stay there and tried dancing around a bit to see if I could get it off, but Mom put my fly sheet on over it. (I'm well acquainted with my fly sheet so that made the new black pad less scary... it was still annoying, but annoying is better than scary.) The new pad was hot and I tried to tell Mom it wasn't working, but she told me to give it some time. So I waited. And paced around my stall. And waited. And tried to pull it off through my fly sheet. And waited. And... then I felt something. It got all warm and tingly and my back and hip all of a sudden felt magically better! I only got to wear it for a little while that first day but after a few days we built up to me wearing it for a couple of hours at a time and now after a couple of weeks my hip is all better! I'm not ouchy anymore! Mom says it's because of the ceramic fibers the pad is made of, but I think it's more probably made of magic... but whatever it is, I'm a fan. All Princess Ponies should have one. You can order one from LA Saddlery where my Mom works. Tell 'em I sent you :)
If you want all the medical like techno-speak as to how/why it works (I'm telling you, the answer is "Magic!") you can find that stuff here:
and here are some pretty pictures: